More than 200 food companies call for strict legislation on new GMOs – Sign and share our joint European letter
More than 200 organic and conventional companies from 12 European countries are already calling for strict legislation on new GMOs (‘new genomic techniques’ or NGTs). Do you own a company active in food and do you want to remain GMO-free?
Support this joint letter by representatives of organic and conventional food company representatives (available in English, German, French, Italian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian and Bulgarian).
Who can act?
Whether you are a small or multinational company, a retailer, processor or food brand, a start-up or established family-owned business, if you value freedom of choice and transparency, we invite you to sign on and/or share this letter before 31 August. Speaking out in public matters!
What does the letter say?
The letter calls for labelling and traceability all NGTs, reminding policymakers of the widespread consumer scepticism and citizens’ demands for transparency. The letter also demands the provision for detection methods to underpin the labelling system and for the rights to national co-existence measures.
Why act?
The European Council is currently discussing their position on a new legislative proposal on new GMOs, the so-called “New Genomic Techniques” which would dismantle most of the strict regulatory framework for new GMOs. This deregulation entails lower biosafety standards and importantly, without supply chain and end-of-product labelling, it would impede freedom of choice for food producers and consumers!
As food sector, it is vital to speak up now to demand national governments uphold high levels of transparency and to give food companies the tools to choose to (not) use GMOs in their value chains.
Read our webpage on GMOs for more information on the current legal framework, the organic movement’s position and the ongoing legislative revision process.
What can your company do?
Put economic pressure on the negotiations by adding your support to this joint letter – it only takes 5 minutes of your time. You can sign on until 31 August 2024! After that, the letter will be sent to the responsible Ministers in the EU countries.
Translations of the letter are available in English, German, French, Italian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian and Bulgarian. The letter has over 200 signatures so far, but more voices are louder!
Can or will you not sign? Please consider distributing the letter in your networks and urge companies to sign it (or send reminder if you already disseminated it). You can also share our LinkedIn, Facebook and/or post on X.
For more information read our previous article and check out VLOG’s press release.
For detailed information on old and new GMOs (NGTs):
- Check out myths about organic & NGTs,
- Read the paper Sustainability in organic breeding,
- Visit our website page on (new) GMOs, or
- Contact [email protected] for more information. Please do note that we prioritise our members’ requests.
IFOAM Organics Europe members can find more information on the member extranet and background materials in the arguments database on the member extranet (main messages, arguments/FAQs, visuals & videos). Contact [email protected] for access rights (issues).
For access to our member extranet and information about what you can gain from being a member, read our membership page and contact [email protected].