How we work
How we are governed and take decisions
Board and Council
The Board acts as the first chamber. It directs the affairs of IFOAM Organics Europe and sets detailed budgets and work programmes according to the objectives as elaborated by IFOAM Organics Europe’s General Assembly and Council.
The Council is the second chamber consisting of member representatives from each EU country. It transmits national interests and specificities to the European level.
Interest groups
Our members are part of our interest groups. They provide direct input from the different sectors in IFOAM Organics Europe’s organisation. They formulate policies and positions relevant to their sector. We currently have four interest groups:
- IGOC – Interest Group on Organic Certification & Integrity,
- IGOF – Interest Group of Organic Farmers,
- IGOP – Interest Group of Organic Processors and Traders, and
- IGOR – subgroup of Interest Group of Organic Retailers.
Are you interested in becoming part of one of our interest groups? Contact [email protected] for questions about membership and expressions of interest about the interest groups.
Working groups, expert groups and task forces
Our working and expert groups are responsible for formulating positions, highlighting important developments, and advising IFOAM Organics Europe’s Board and Council. If a certain topic needs expert input, we establish a temporary task force. All three types of groups consist of our members.
Expert Groups:
- EU coordination of the IFOAM – Organics International Aquaculture Forum,
- European Organic Comms Hub,
- Expert Group on Plant Protection Products (PPPs) and Fertilisers,
- Expert Group on Seed.
Task Forces:
- Implementation of the New Regulation,
- Textile,
- Genetically Modified Organisms – GMO,
- Sustainable Food System,
- Recycled fertilisers,
- Climate Change and Biodiversity.
If you are interested in becoming part of one of our expert groups and/or task forces you should be an IFOAM Organics Europe member. Contact [email protected] for questions about membership and expressions of interest.
IFOAM Organics Europe hosts the secretariat and is a founding member of TP Organics – the European Technology Platform officially recognised by the European Commission. Visit tporganics.eu to learn more and get engaged.
IFOAM Organics Europe’s General Assembly
All active IFOAM Organics Europe members from all over Europe gather every two years. They hold the General Assembly in the democratic pursuit of a common voice for organic. During the General Assembly, our members review and decide on the general policy and direction. This includes financial matters, modifications to the statutes and electing IFOAM Organics Europe’s Board.