They make it possible
Main sponsors

Green Organics
Green Organics is a dynamic service provider operating internationally in the processing and cultivating of organic potatoes, fruit and vegetables. Green Organics has a clear mission. We want to stimulate further the growing demand for high quality organically grown fruit and vegetable products, and by so doing make our own contribution as the specialist. Our principles are the formation and expansion of sustainable relationships and the overseeing of the entire production chain.

Rapunzel is one of the leading organic food producers in Europe. It all started very small: In 1974, Joseph Wilhelm and Jennifer Vermeulen started a self-sufficiency commune on a farm with a small natural health food store in the city of Augsburg in Bavaria. From these humble beginnings an international company with more than 400 employees developed during the last 45 years. The idea behind it all remained the same throughout this time: to manufacture certified organic, natural and untreated, vegetarian foods. The company’s motto, “Organics with love”, is not just an advertising slogan, but represents Rapunzel’s leading principle: that there is more to the production of healthy, environmentally and socially-sound foods than controlled organic cultivation. Foods that are healthy and holistic in an ethereal sense can only be cultivated, produced and processed by healthy, happy people.

Media partner

Bio Eco Actual
Bio Eco Actual is a widely regarded publisher that raises awareness about organic food, ethical consumption and sustainability, with a combined reach of 10 million impacts to readers per year through the publications Bio Eco Actual, Bueno y Vegano, El Botiquín Natural and Master Organic.

Sponsors of the "Burden for organic operators and revision of the Organic Regulation" project

Aboca was founded 40 years ago in Tuscany, with the aim of restoring the central role played by natural substances in human health and well-being, within a strongly research-oriented context using the criteria of Evidence-Based Medicine. The company’s mission is to re-read the body’s pathophysiological mechanisms and search for 100% natural cures for the human body. Its expertise lies in researching, developing, producing, and marketing medical devices and food supplements based on natural molecular complexes. Aboca fully controls its vertically integrated manufacturing chain, from organic farming (over 1700 hectares) to research, production and distribution. Aboca covers all the main self-medication health needs, with a particular focus on areas involving the metabolism and the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems thanks to 100% natural products. Aboca is a Benefit Corporation since 2018, balancing the interests of the business with the interests of the community to achieve the Common Good. Organic farming and biodiversity protection are included among our common benefit objectives.

Developing Organic: Pesticide Use and Contamination - Golden sponsors

Rapunzel is one of the leading organic food producers in Europe. It all started very small: In 1974, Joseph Wilhelm and Jennifer Vermeulen started a self-sufficiency commune on a farm with a small natural health food store in the city of Augsburg in Bavaria. From these humble beginnings an international company with more than 400 employees developed during the last 45 years. The idea behind it all remained the same throughout this time: to manufacture certified organic, natural and untreated, vegetarian foods. The company’s motto, “Organics with love”, is not just an advertising slogan, but represents Rapunzel’s leading principle: that there is more to the production of healthy, environmentally and socially-sound foods than controlled organic cultivation. Foods that are healthy and holistic in an ethereal sense can only be cultivated, produced and processed by healthy, happy people.
Developing Organic: Pesticide Use and Contamination - Silver sponsors

Aboca is an Italian healthcare company specialising in 100% natural healthcare products that respect both the human body and the environment. It was established over 40 years ago in Sansepolcro, Tuscany, with the aim of researching solutions in the complexity of nature that take care of human health problems. The company now has over 1,500 employees in 16 countries worldwide. Through its work, Aboca also aims to benefit the community and environment, while operating responsibly, sustainably and transparently. This is a commitment that has been formally included in its statute as a Benefit Corporation and is measured according to international standards through the B Corp certification.

Developing Organic: Pesticide Use and Contamination - Bronze sponsors

CTPOA – Czech Technology Platform for Organic Agriculture – represents the sector of organic agriculture in the Czech Republic. Its main aim is to facilitate the co-creation of knowledge among organic stakeholders.

Always dedicated to organic farming, Michel Meneuvrier is an organic farmer. After 11 years working in Coop «PAM du Diois» as a technical adviser, he created SAPAD (SA Plantes Aromatiques du Diois) in 1999. SAPAD produces and sources organic and fair-trade essential oils worldwide.

IFOAM Organics Europe is for us the right organisation to trust and support."

SYNABIO is the French National Union of Processors and Distributors of Natural and Organic Products. It was created in 1976 and currently comprises of more than 200 members (mainly processors, small or medium enterprises with a strong commitment to organic farming).

Skal Biocontrole
Skal is a non-departmental public body. This type of public body carries out a government task and holds a special position within the Government of the Netherlands. As a non-departmental public body under private law, Skal is subject to the Non-Departmental Public Bodies Framework Act. The Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality has appointed the Skal Biocontrole Foundation as the supervisory authority for implementing these statutory tasks that arise from the European regulations on organic production. The European regulation allows member states to decide on how to structure their monitoring system. The Netherlands has chosen an unambiguous structure: one supervisory authority that is responsible for all statutory control tasks within organic production.

Bio Suisse
Bio Suisse is the umbrella organisation of Swiss Bud farms and is the owner of the registered trademark Bud. The sponsors are the 7,300 Bud farmers, who are organised within the 32 member organisations. Bio Suisse is continuously working on developing the Bud and organic agriculture in Switzerland, and has become THE organic organisation in Switzerland since its creation in 1981. The Bud, the trademark for Swiss organic producers, guarantees compliance with Bio Suisse Standards and thus extremely high organic production standards throughout the value chain. Over 1,050 processing and trading operations have a licence contract with Bio Suisse and manufacture carefully processed Bud products.

CAAE is an international certification body originated in Spain with a global focus on a more organic world, offering services that cover all needs of the sector. CAAE certifies the largest organic surface in Europe with more than 1 million hectares.

Public Institution Ekoagros is the only institution conducting certification and control activities of organic production in Lithuania. In addition, Ekoagros also carries out inspections in accordance with foreign national and private standards, certification of organic production in foreign countries and provides services of other related certification activities.

PROFEL is the European Association of Fruit and Vegetable processors, representing through national associations more than 500 processing companies in 11 Member States of the European Union. Products represented by PROFEL include frozen vegetables, canned vegetables, dried vegetables, deciduous fruit, jams and fruit preserves and frozen fruit.

Kamut Enterprises of Europe is responsible for promotion and protection of KAMUT® Brand khorasan wheat throughout Europe and elsewhere globally. KAMUT® Brand khorasan wheat is an ancient grain, guaranteed under the KAMUT® Brand, to never be hybridized or genetically modified, always organically grown, and is prized for its nutrition, ease of digestibility, sweet nutty-buttery taste and firm texture. Today it can be found throughout the world in many products including breads, pasta, pizza, cereals, snacks, pastries, crackers, beer, green foods, and cereal drinks.

The UK Food and Drink Federation (FDF) is the convenor, adviser and voice of the UK food & drink industry, the largest manufacturing sector in the UK. The FDF is the powerful unified voice for the UK industry and acts on its members’ behalf on business-critical issues. It also provides expertise and guidance on a range of areas including: food safety and science concerns, trade and regulatory policy, nutrition and health, and sustainability. FDF communicates the industry’s values and concerns to Government, regulators, consumers and the media, representing more than 800 food and drink companies, from global brands to thriving small businesses.

Ecotone is the leading company in Europe for organic, vegetarian, healthy and fair-trade food. Headquartered in Lyon, France, our family of companies is committed to making food that supports biodiversity. Our brands include many pioneers and market leaders such as Bjorg, Bonneterre, Clipper, Whole Earth, Allos, Alter Eco… With offices and production sites across seven European countries, brand distributed in more than 80 countries, our 1,600 people embody every day our purpose: “Food for biodiversity”. In 2019, we became Europe’s first multinational B Corp food business.
Developing Organic: Pesticide Use and Contamination - Other contributions

Organic regulation guidelines - Golden sponsors

CAAE - Seed sponsor
CAAE is an international certification body originated in Spain with a global focus on a more organic world, offering services that cover all needs of the sector. CAAE certifies the largest organic surface in Europe with more than 1 million hectares.

Organic regulation guidelines - Silver sponsors

CCPB - Seed sponsor
CCPB certifies organic and eco-sustainable products worldwide. As inspection and certification body it operates in the agro-food industry and in the non-food sector, more specifically cosmetics, detergents and textiles.
Today CCPB certifies about 15,000 companies in Italy and worldwide, of which 12,500 in the organic production sector; this includes well-established industrial groups, large-scale retailers, small and medium-sized enterprises and start-up companies.

Organic Farmers & Growers - Seed sponsor
In 1992 OF&G became the first UK organic certification body to be approved by the Government and now certifies over 50% of the UK organic land area and 30% of the overall UK organic sector. OF&G was formed in 1973 as a marketing cooperative for organic produce but is now a dedicated organic control body and certifier for a number of other sustainable land use schemes. From its offices in Shropshire, England it provides services to organic businesses across Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.

CSQA is a certification body that carries out certification, assessment, inspection and training activities, active in Agro-Food and Packaging, Consumer Goods, Catering, Technical and Professional services, Information Technology, Organic products and processes, Sustainability, Forests, Wood & Paper, Personal and Public Administration Services. With offices in Italy and abroad, more than 250 employees and 450 reference professionals, CSQA offers a wide range of highly innovative services ranging from product certifications to management systems certifications such as: quality, environment, energy, safety at work, information security and social responsibility. CSQA carries out directly, or in collaboration with highly qualified partners, certification and inspection audits in 31 countries around the world. The Organic certification division deals with the development of certifications relating to Organic Agriculture, intended both as primary production and product processing, as well as non-food products that use organic ingredients and production techniques that follow the principles of organic farming. CSQA is recognized and accredited as per EU Organic Regulations and also for IFOAM Organic standard by IOAS.

Organic regulation guidelines - Bronze sponsors

Ekoagros - Seed sponsor
Ekoagros is a public institution, which is the only designated control authority in Lithuania that carries out certification and control activities of organic production. In addition, Ekoagros also carries out inspections in accordance with foreign national and private standards, certification of organic production in foreign countries and provides services of other related certification activities. Ekoagros more than 25 years has been working by pursuing high-quality services, implementing effective measures for sustainable development of organic products, constantly raising the most advanced quality management system standards for institution and its activities, applying to all operators the principles of equivalence and fairness, being proud of professional and multilingual staff.

Organic regulation guidelines - Seed sponsors

Organic regulation guidelines - Other contributions

BIOSELENA Foundation is a Bulgarian NGO working for the development of organic and sustainable agriculture in Bulgaria. The organization was founded in 1996 by FIBL – Switzerland. Our main activities are professional training and advisory services for organic farmers, processors and traders, on-farm research. Development of national legislation and support measures as well as lobbying for organic products is another important group of activities of the organization.

Developing Organic: Safeguarding Organic from Greenwashing Labelling - Donor

Irish Organic Association (IOA)
The Irish Organic Association (IOA) is Ireland’s leading organic certification body dedicated to certifying organic produce and products throughout Ireland. The IOA has been at the forefront of the organic movement in Ireland since it was established in 1982. Over forty years of experience in inspecting, certifying and networking has placed the association in a unique position to serve a dynamic and growing organic market. IOA is a voluntary organisation and a company limited by guarantee with a membership open to all.
Official supplier

From a small organic shop developed into a medium-sized family business, Lebensbaum has been producing coffee, tea and spices the organic way for 35 years. Lebensbaum’s synthesis of green core business and quality has been constantly enhanced at the company. Sustainability is part of its economic operating system and determines its core business activity.
Supporting institutions and foundations