ScreenSkills Select Events

With so many college and university courses in screen to choose from, it can be hard to find the best course for you and your future career.

(c) MetFilm School

Being on a ScreenSkills endorsed course provides a number of exclusive benefits that only educators and students on these courses have access to - helping you to get the inside track on the latest intelligence, insight and employability needs of the UK screen industries.

These exclusive benefits include train the trainer courses, industry insights sessions, employability training events and an annual Congress (for educators*)

*We are also always looking for educators to support moderating these events and sessions – please contact

Below includes further information about the exclusive events available to ScreenSkills Select endorsed courses.

To find out more about ScreenSkills Select including the range of courses that are endorsed and, for course leaders, how to become an endorsed course, please visit the ScreenSkills Select homepage.

ScreenSkills Select homepage

Annual Congress

Content in section 1.

Industry Insights

Content in section 1.

Select Sessions: Employability training events

Content in section 1.

Train the Trainer: Supporting educators’ professional development

Content in section 1.

To find out more about ScreenSkills Select including the range of courses that are endorsed and, for course leaders, how to become an endorsed course, please visit the ScreenSkills Select homepage.