
Building our members’ capacity, also after the EU elections
A new European Parliament is settling in and the new European Commission is scheduled to officially start its work on…

Civil society is taking the CAP by storm: What happened, what's next and how to get involved?
The Good Food Good Farming campaign mobilised ahead of the European elections, organising a stunt under the motto We can’t eat…

Provide your input to EU research & innovation priorities for organic & agroecology by 18 August
The Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for Organics and Agroecology is a key document setting organic and agroecology’s research…

Natexpo 2024: The organic sector meets in Lyon
Since 2018, Natexpo has been organised every two years (even-numbered years) in Lyon, in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. This is no coincidence…

Challenges and opportunities facing organic & how policies can be part of the solution
Ahead of the EU elections, our Director, Eduardo Cuoco was interviewed about the current challenges organic faces. In two pieces…

24 finalists highlight excellent examples of EU organic from field to fork
Read this news item in German (by BioPress), Spanish & Catalan (by Bio Eco Actual). BRUSSELS, 19 JULY 2024 –…

Welcome back, Ms von der Leyen. EU organic looks forward to continue transforming our rural areas & food systems
BRUSSELS, 18 JULY 2024 – The European organic movement congratulates Ursula von der Leyen on her re-election as President of…

More than 200 food companies call for strict legislation on new GMOs - Sign and share our joint European letter
More than 200 organic and conventional companies from 12 European countries are already calling for strict legislation on new GMOs…

Building resilient food futures across generations – Organics Europe’s Youth Event take-aways
The second edition of the Organics Europe Youth Event (OEYE) was held at CIHEAM Bari, Italy, on July 8-9, 2024.…

Help set the EU’s research and innovation priorities for organic & agroecology
The Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for Organics and Agroecology is a key document setting organic and agroecology’s R&I…

Organic regulations
First list of control bodies recognised for compliance published
The first list of control bodies (CBs) recognised for compliance regarding imports from third countries was published in the EU’s…

Positive steps for EU’s resilience in Council decisions on nature restoration, soil monitoring law & green claims
On 17 June, European legislation on soil, nature, and environmental labelling took a few steps forward as the Council of…

About us
Join our Brussels team: 5 exciting placements open
IFOAM Organics Europe is excited to announce a call for 4 enthusiastic young volunteers from the European Solidarity Corps (ESC)…

Read our June newsletter! Here's what you can expect.
We just published our latest newsletter, the last one before the European elections and the summer break. Wondering what’s in…

Political Hotspot June 2024
Ongoing farmers’ protests highlight the need to address concerns about unfair pricing and competition in European agriculture. The objectives laid…

Welcome Note June 2024
Dear reader, Welcome to our last newsletter edition before the EU elections and summer break. In only a few days…

Review of events
Last April, 18 European project partners of the OrganicAdviceNetwork project met for three days planning the first steps to set-up…

Preview of events
External advisory services and advisors with organic competences or an interest in organic are invited to join the OrganicAdviceNetwork project’s…

Open webinar on biodiversity management in organic greenhouses
We are organising a series of free and open webinars relevant to organic farming as part of our involvement in…

Knowledge for organic
Practical knowledge about intercropping in organic systems available
Scientists and local actors from across Europe are investigating intercropping’s benefits for soil health, fertiliser use, weed and disease control…

About us
General Assembly 2024: Register now & agenda available
We would like to inform our members that the General Assembly’s (GA) agenda is now published on the member’s extranet…
![ECOSCORE: organic farming organisations reach an agreement ending legal procedures with ADEME, YUKA and its partners [EN+FR versions]](
ECOSCORE: organic farming organisations reach an agreement ending legal procedures with ADEME, YUKA and its partners [EN+FR versions]
[French version below] BRUSSELS, PARIS, 4 JUNE 2024 – “In January 2023, the European federation of organic agriculture (IFOAM ORGANICS…

New genomic techniques, what comes up?
Despite significant political pressure to reach an agreement among the EU institutions before the European elections in June 2024, the…

Join our network of advisory services and advisors – OrganicAdviceNetwork
External advisory services and advisors with organic competences or an interest in organic are invited to join the OrganicAdviceNetwork project’s…

About us
Saying goodbye to our colleagues
Selene Capalbo After 5 months in our communications team, Selene is leaving IFOAM Organics Europe to continue building her experience…

EU Organic Day is coming up - Get ready to be visible on/around 23 September 2024
On 23 September 2024 Europe will celebrate its 4th EU Organic Day! We call on the European organic movement to get…

NGOs call for climate action & fair agrifood systems – 31 May; 1 June & throughout October
On 31 May, the NGOs who are part of the Good Food Good Farming coalition gathered in Brussels for its…

Organics Europe Youth Event: Fully booked & programme update
We are thrilled to announce that second edition of the Organic Europe Youth Event (OEYE) 2024 is fully booked. Thank…

Plant health care
Policies should promote uptake of biocontrol
The European organic movement and international biocontrol manufacturers call on the European Commission to ensure faster registration and uptake of…

Organic regulations
Civil dialogue group about plant protection products & imports
On 24 May, the European Commission held a Civil Dialogue Group (CDG) on organic farming. While the many stakeholder present…

Invitation to Council members to strategy workshop
We are pleased to invite (y)our national representative(s) to take part in IFOAM Organics Europe’s internal strategy workshop physically on…

Communicating about organic to audiences across the political spectrum
On 8 May, many members joined us for a political communications oriented webinar in the Let’s Discuss Organic series. The materials…

About us
We need your help on improving our services
We want to better meet your needs as IFOAM Organics Europe member. Help us do this by sharing how you…

Starting the first European network of organic advisors
Last April, 18 European project partners of the OrganicAdviceNetwork project met for three days planning the first steps to set-up…

Organic Farm Knowledge: Free, online knowledge exchange for organic food & farming
Organic and agroecological farming systems are knowledge-intensive and rely on a two-way approach. Research priorities are based on farmers’ needs…

Nordic organic leaders will debate the future of organic
On 9-10 October, IFOAM Organics Europe will facilitate one of the most important debates at this year’s edition of the…

“Being Organic in EU” makes Organics Europe Youth Event field trips possible
BEING ORGANIC in EU is supporting the Organics Europe Youth Event excursions. Thanks to this contribution participants to the youth…

IFOAM Organics Europe at the American Organic Week
From 11-19 May, IFOAM Organics Europe’s President, Jan Plagge and Director, Eduardo Cuoco were in the US at the Organic…

Researching detection methods & digital solutions for products derived from new genomic techniques
From January 2024 to June 2027, IFOAM Organics Europe is part of a technical research project called DARWIN. It aims…

CAP “simplification”: Missed opportunity fails to answer farmers’ demands
Following farmers’ protests, the European Commission proposed a Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform which has now been approved in votes…

Save the date: Natexpo 2024, same time and place, new format
The international tradeshow for organic products, Natexpo, will be back 23-24 September 2024 at Eurexpo Lyon, France. Every year, Natexpo is…

Food policy
Civil Dialogue Groups (CDG) meetings: Report on wine, 14 May
IFOAM Organics Europe’s office staff, our members and experts regularly advise and discuss policy options with the Commission and other…

European Organic Congress 2024 – Win a free ticket!
We are delighted to announce our special offer for the European Organic Congress 2024 – a free ticket challenge! Take…

Technical workshops future CAP – From food security to solidarity & rural areas
On 16-17 May 2024 the European Commission organised the last technical workshop for Solidarity and Rural Communities in the next…

Annual organic farmers meeting: New steering committee & CAP post-2027
For this year’s annual meeting, our interest group of organic farmers (IGOF) gathered in Switzerland on 2- 3 May. Bio…

Fairness & transparency
Commission's proposed measures on unfair trading practices
In April 2024, the European Commission unveiled its non-paper Position of farmers in the food supply chain: next steps. In…

High-level organic retailers meet in Italy
For two days, our members of the high-level retailers’ group (IGOR) met in Italy. Invited by EcorNaturasi they visited the…

10 more days for organic excellence to apply to the EU Organic Awards - 12 May!
Applications for the third edition of the EU Organic Awards will close next week Sunday on 12 May 2024. Does one immediately…

Deep-dive into challenges & opportunities for Organic Heterogeneous Material
The 3rd LiveSeeding online workshop on Organic Heterogeneous Material (or OHM) united almost 50 participants. Stakeholders from across Europe, ranging…

Plant Reproductive Material Regulation legislation could advance organic plant breeding
On 24 April, the European Parliament voted on the Plant Reproductive Material Regulation (PRM) legislation. Members of the European Parliament…