New GMOs – Key resources
This article is an overview of useful resources we have compiled for you. We will update this on a rolling basis. If you have useful materials, please share them with [email protected].
We do the work for our members! They can find more information, instant messaging and visuals in our arguments database on the member extranet.
Organic movement resources
- The international organic movement’s position paper on GMOs and new GMOs (2017), the global safety & risk assessment protocol for New Genomic Technologies (June 2023) & our position papers
- Our video explaining new GMOs and the need to keep them regulated and traceable + version with German subtitles (July 2023)
- The European organic movement’s resolution in favour of a system-based approach of innovation and sustainability – Keep Organic GMO-free (June 2023)
- Our briefing paper on Plant Reproductive Material “Sustainability in organic breeding – Improving the entire system or adjusting some genes?” (November 2023)
- Our infographic on new genomic techniques and patents, created in cooperation with BioAustria (December 2023)
- The recordings of our press conference on 30 November 2023
- Our leaflet in all EU languages explaining why all techniques of GMOs must be regulated (June 2019)
- Young German organic farmers calling for their right to choose (in German – January 2023)
- IFOAM Organics Europe submission to public consultation – Legislation for plants produced by certain new genomic techniques (October 2021)
All our
Member only:
- Recordings of our member-only Let’s Discuss Organic session Legislative process for new genomic techniques (November 2023)
- Recordings of our member-only webinar: Upcoming EU proposal on New Genomic Technique (NGTs) (June 2023)
- Instant messaging and visuals on new GMOs in our arguments database on the member extranet
- Example letters to your national ministers
NGO resources
- For a science-based regulation of plants from new genetic techniques, BfN (February 2024)
- Draft EU law on new GMOs threatens legal rights of farmers, faces ECJ rejection, Greenpeace (January 2024)
- Open Letter: Serious concerns about the EU Commission proposal on New Genomic Techniques (November 2023)
- Unmasking new GMOs briefing: Media Briefing by FoodWatch International and Friends of the Earth Europe on the risks of a deregulation for farmers and consumers’ right to transparency (May 2023)
- How big agri ghost-writes the Commission’s proposal on new GMOs: Article by Friends of the Earth Europe (March 2023)
- New genome techniques (NGT) – A risky corporate distraction from real sustainable solutions: Questions & Answers regarding pesticide use and other impacts on agriculture by FoodWatch (January 2023)
- Educational materials for schools (2022)
- Behind the smokescreen – Vested interests of EU scientists lobbying for GMO deregulation by the Green/EFA in the European Parliament (September 2022)
Scientific resources
Scientists’ and policy experts’ statement: Gene editing is not “precision breeding” and the term is misleading (September 2022)
NGO petition
Citizens have voiced their concerns about the safeguard for genetic resources free of genetic modification in a petition with more than 420,000 signatures from 17 countries. Citizens demanded policymakers to keep (new) GMOs strictly regulated and labelled, and instead of using GMOs, support proven sustainable agricultural practices, like organic and other agroecological farming methods.
On 30 November 2023, we hosted a press conference on NGTs, urging Members of the European Parliament and Member States to respect the decision of organic farmers not to use NGTs. The press conference featured interventions from key figures, including Jan Plagge, President of Bioland and IFOAM Organics Europe; Dr. Angelika Hilbeck, agroecologist at ETH Zürich; and Bernard Lignon, Project Lead on Regulations and Organic Product Quality at SYNABIO. Watch the key takeaways of the conference in our dedicated Youtube playlist.
On 17 November 2022, we held the GMO-free Europe event at the European Parliament, together with Save our Seeds. The event was hosted in the European Parliament by Green/EFA Members of Parliament and united representatives of GMO-free Regions, scientists, farmers, producers, retailers, and consumers as well as NGOs, civil servants, and politicians to scrutinize the proposal and take a stand together. The event was a full success with more than 250 participants joining online and in person. Watch the full recordings in our dedicated YouTube playlist.
For more information on (new) GMOs and IFOAM Organics Europe’s work on this issue, please visit our website and contact [email protected].
IFOAM Organics Europe members can find more information on the member extranet and background materials in the arguments database on the member extranet (main messages, arguments/FAQs, visuals & videos). Contact [email protected] for access rights (issues).
For information about what you can gain from being a member, read our membership page and contact [email protected].
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