Organic movement starts mapping needs & priorities for research and innovation policies
Titled “Next steps to sustainable food systems”, TP Organics started its consultation process to identify what the organic movement and sector need from EU research and innovation policies. At its annual Science Day at BIOFACH 2024, TP Organics collected the first of a few rounds of inputs to come to a new “Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for Organics and Agroecology”.
Various consultation rounds will follow, allowing stakeholders to give input that will lead to selected priority research areas and a wide variety of potential topics that should be addressed and supported by Horizon Europe, the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation.
Read the full report on TP Organics’ website. If you want to get involved, please contact [email protected].
TP Organics is the European Technology Platform for Research & Innovation into Organics and Agroecology. IFOAM Organics Europe is a founding member and hosts its secretariat. Visit for more information and follow its Twitter and LinkedIn @TPorganics.

The work of TP Organics on this topic is co-financed by the LIFE programme of the European Union, under the Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). This communication only reflects the views of the authors and its sole responsibility lies with TP Organics. The CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information provided.