IFOAM Organics Europe General Assembly
The General Assembly of IFOAM Organics Europe gathers members from all over Europe in the democratic pursuit of a common voice for organic.
During the GA, members review and decide on the general policy and direction of the IFOAM Organics Europe, including financial matters, Statutes modifications and every three years – the election of the IFOAM Organics Europe Board.
This year IFOAM Organics Europe General Assembly 2021 will take place online on Tuesday, 29 June 2021.
Are you IFOAM Organics Europe Member and want to learn more? Consult the agenda and registration instructions in IFOAM Organics Europe Member Extranet under the section Governance – General Assembly.
Not IFOAM Organics Europe member (yet)? Learn more about our governance & advantages of membership.
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