Conference on ‘Added Value of the Organic Farmer, Bioregions’
Save the date for the “Added Value of the Organic Farmer, Bioregions” conference, which will take place October 12, 13, and 14 both online and in The Netherlands. The conference will be held in English and will include speeches by prominent Dutch and international speakers, workshops, and farm visits. Farmers, farm advisers, policymakers, students, and educational institutions from the Netherlands and beyond are invited to attend.
The conference is intended to help dairy and arable farmers gain access to opportunities considering the new European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and to inspire them to envision and manage the future management of their farms. At the same time, the participants will receive practical tips from experts, as well as inspiring examples, which are in line with the new agricultural policy.
IFOAM’s Organic Europe director Eduardo Cuoco will join the discussion on October 13 for the presentation of the programme: “Bioregions Boosting Biodiversity”, together with Martien Lankester, Executive Director of Avalon Foundation and Michaël Wilde, Director of Bionext.
The conference is organised by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Netherlands, the Provinces of Fryslân, Groningen and Drenthe, Avalon, the project Added Value of the Organic Farmer, the Soil Knowledge Center and Symphony of Soils.
The participation is free of charge, however, the number of participants is limited so don’t forget to register!

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