“Way Forward in Organic Plant Health Care Strategies” Conference
“Way Forward” aims to bring together researchers, farmers, extension workers, policy makers and authorities in order to discuss and take further plant health care strategies ever more in line with biodiversity and ecosystems as a whole.
Pesticide reduction is an ongoing hot topic throughout Europe. The approach to plant health care in organic farming deeply incorporates striving towards a minimal dependence on plant protection products. This year’s conference will therefore focus on “Pesticide reduction: What role does organic farming have and what does it mean for organic farming?”
The profile of this conference is to showcase innovations in organic plant health care strategies that enhance production and minimise ecological impact. We would love to benefit from your research results on innovative approaches in plant health care in organic farming.
True to its origins, a part of the conference will serve to highlight successful measures as well as challenges in the reduction of copper in plant protection. We will discuss regulatory aspects of the upcoming and ongoing re-evaluation of copper. We furthermore invite any initiatives and research with new innovations for further copper minimisation to take the stage. As is custom the results of the German copper monitoring will be presented.
The two-day conference will take place online. The event is coorganised by Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft (BÖLW), Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) and IFOAM Organics Europe.
Have a look at the programme and register here to attend.