Saying goodbye to our colleagues
Selene Capalbo
After 5 months in our communications team, Selene is leaving IFOAM Organics Europe to continue building her experience as trainee at Euractiv. We are grateful for the time she dedicated to us, her positive energy and eagerness to learn and help on the EU Organic Awards, newsletter and much more. We wish her all the best in this new endeavour and in her future career.
About the ESC Programme
The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) provides young people residing in Europe with the unique chance to express their personal commitment through a full-time voluntary activity in a foreign country for a period of up to 1 year. Young volunteers can develop new skills and, therefore, improve their personal, educational and professional development. More information about ESC is available on the ESC website.
Are you interested in the organic movement and want to experience its day-to-day work? Stay tuned and be ready to apply – you could be part of our team!

The volunteering project is funded by the European Solidarity Corps programme of the European Union. The sole responsibility of the content lies with the author and communication reflects only the author’s view. The National Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information provided.