Anti-bullying and harassment training

12 Jan 2023, 16:30-18:00
Career stages
Entry, Early, Experienced, Expert
ScreenSkills funded

This year BIFA is once again partnering with ScreenSkills to deliver anti-bullying and harassment training to the screen industries, as part of our industry-leading suite of equality, diversity and inclusion training events for 2022/23.

Who it's for

This course is suitable for all film and TV industry professionals.

What it covers

Our training offers participants a deep dive into the issue of bullying and harassment in the workplace. As part of the session, participants will have the chance to explore the various forms that bullying and harassment can take, whilst also learning how to better recognise and challenge these behaviours. By equipping participants with a toolkit of practical advice for addressing issues around bullying and harassment in the workplace, the course aims to promote a sense of collective responsibility amongst industry professionals, in helping to build more harmonious work environments.

By the end of the session, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the difference between bullying and harassment
  • Describe the benefits of respect in the workplace
  • Recognise incidents of bullying and harassment in the workplace
  • Challenge bullying and harassment wherever they see it
  • Analyse and take responsibility for their own behaviour towards others

All sessions will take place via Zoom.

How to apply

For more information and booking, visit BIFA here.

Note: Participants are requested to take ScreenSkills’ Tackling harassment and bullying at work e-learning module ahead of the session.

British Independent Film Awards (BIFA)

British Independent Film Awards (BIFA)

The British Independent Film Awards celebrate merit and achievement in independently funded British filmmaking, honour new talent and promote British filmmaking and British talent to a wider public.

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